Umschlagslager Bahn/LKW
Object no.: 9871
Warehousing (warehouse with management)
74076 Heilbronn
Price on request
Here you can get a direct overview of Baden-Württemberg as a logistics location.
Object no.: 9871
Warehousing (warehouse with management)
74076 Heilbronn
Price on request
Object no.: 9861
89616 Rottenacker
Price on request
The fact that Baden-Württemberg's industry is optimally integrated into global distribution and procurement structures makes the southern federal state an outstanding logistics location. Thanks to European enlargement, the state has moved to the geographical centre of European trade relations and inspires with its export and economic power. Strong export sectors such as chemicals, mechanical engineering, the electrical industry and the automotive industry benefit from ideal basic conditions at one of the largest transport hubs. The local logistics companies ensure the smooth day-to-day business of production companies with comprehensive transport services and round off their services with individual logistical value-added concepts. In 2013 alone, more than 198,000 people were employed in the core logistics sector, and even more than 405,000 in the extended logistics sector. In 2012, a total of 38.1 billion euros were turned over in the core logistics sector, as Baden-Württemberg's Ministries of Finance and Economics, Labour and Housing explain online.
A total of twelve regions are important for logistics due to their economic strength:
Each of the regions has its own individual logistical character and is characterised by different factors. While the Lake Constance-Upper Swabia region, for example, offers a great deal of know-how in Alpine transit and provides the best conditions in terms of large-scale transport, food transport and automobile supply, Neckar-Alb is convincing with innovation and a harmonious mix of industries. Stuttgart is an indispensable metropolitan region in which leading global corporations gather, while Karlsruhe attracts positive attention due to its location between Germany and France. The TechnologyRegion is characterised by an excellent transport infrastructure.
The state's transport infrastructure is extremely efficient. Whether by water, air, rail or road: Baden-Württemberg's modes of transport are perfectly connected and allow for top logistical performance. The road network is dense with more than 5,000 kilometres of federal roads and about 1,500 kilometres of motorways. There are also more than 4,000 kilometres of rail network. The Rhine Valley line plays a major role for freight and passenger traffic between Mannheim and Basel. But the connection to ports in Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Antwerp is also indispensable. In the future, the Rhine Valley line will serve as a feeder for the New Rail Link through the Alps (NEAT) in order to shift heavy goods traffic from road to rail. Equally important are the Mannheim-Stuttgart high-speed line and the planned integration into the Magistrale for Europe (TEN project 17) between Paris and Budapest/Bratislava.
On the water, around 550 kilometres of waterways are available for the transport of goods. Besides the Rhine, the most important inland waterway in Europe, the Neckar and Main are crucial for logistics. in 2012, the turnover at the inland port of Mannheim was 7.9 million tonnes, in Karlsruhe 6.2 million. The air transport mode produces the Stuttgart commercial airport as a central port of call for international air traffic. A large share of the freight volume is handled here. Not to forget the regional airports of Karlsruhe/Baden-Baden and Friedrichshafen, 18 smaller commercial airfields and the Black Forest Airport Lahr. The latter enjoys the status of special cargo airport.
There is a shortage of logistics space in Baden-Württemberg. In order to maintain competitiveness, efficient logistics is necessary. This represents an opportunity for all logistics companies that can contribute to positive development in this respect. Due to the shortage of space in the state, the innovative use of existing properties and the further development of conversion areas are becoming increasingly important. There is potential in Mannheim, among other places, where development opportunities are recognisable due to vacant conversion sites in the city area. But Lahr in the Ortenau district is also an attractive location. The infrastructural connections are good and logistics and commercial space is available. Further location advantages are to follow through the expansion of the railway line. Despite the shortage of supply, there are still suitable warehouses, halls and contract logistics service providers in many places, such as Horb am Neckar, Albstadt, Kehl, Stuttgart and Ettlingen.
→ Warehouse Malsch
→ Warehouse Heddesheim
→ Warehouse Filderstadt
→ Warehouse Heilbronn
→ Warehouse Breisach
→ Warehouse Weil am Rhein
→ Warehouse Mannheim
→ Warehouse Stuttgart
→ Warehouse Ulm
→ Warehouse Freiburg
→ Warehouse Karlsruhe