Location Potential and Analysis

LAGERflaeche cooperates with logistics experts to provide customers with the best possible decisions regarding site selection and evaluation. In this way, thanks to its experts, LAGERflaeche enables its customers to identify, evaluate and visualise the full potential of locations. By working together with logistics experts, we ensure that our customers find an optimal solution that exploits the site's potential through energy efficiency, photovoltaics and digital visualisation, among other things.

Material flow and location visualisation

Visualisation can provide significant support to the sales department during a presentation to a potential new customer. Likewise, visualisation and simulation are a chance to recognise possible planning errors and to be able to react to them in time. Logistics service providers as well as industrial and trading companies belong to the broad target group of such logistical support. The term "digital factory" refers to the construction, representation and simulation techniques used to implement complex and dynamic 3D representations. These techniques, especially virtual reality (VR) technology, make it possible to depict machines and plants in a realistic virtual world. The introduction of a digital factory offers many advantages that have an impact on sales, planning and production. For example, operation becomes more economically efficient due to simple and fast operation. It also offers customers the opportunity to customise specific products and libraries, provide advice and training, and develop training programmes to present the products in a convincing way.

Visualisation can provide significant support to sales during a presentation to a potential new customer. Visualisation and simulation are also a chance to recognise possible planning errors and to be able to react to them in time. Logistics service providers as well as industrial and trading companies belong to the broad target group of such logistical support.

The term "digital factory" summarises the construction, representation and simulation techniques. Virtual reality technology (VR), i.e. the realistic dynamic 3D representation of machines and plants in a virtual world, plays an important role here.

  • Economical in sales and planning due to fast and simple operation
  • Use of the products throughout, from planning to simulation-based animation to 3D online process visualisation
  • Customisation of products and libraries, consulting, training and education.

For individual designs of machines or special storage requirements, we can certainly offer you the right solution. Below you can see some examples of how a visualisation of your material flows or locations could look like with the help of taraVRbuilder.

Energy efficiency

Saving energy is important, and companies can take various measures to reduce energy costs. One way is to modernise and repair existing facilities. Another option is to invest in new facilities. Optimising user behaviour and plant technology and reducing costs can also play a role. Effective energy supply contracting can play an important role here. Facility management is another essential building block for efficient energy management. Energy efficiency in buildings is on everyone's lips - but the topic is seldom directly linked to warehouses, commercial buildings or logistics centres. Yet these buildings in particular offer great potential for savings, and a large part of the measures to increase the energy efficiency of buildings are very economical.

LAGERflaeche.de Energieeffizienz, Energiemanagement, Logistikberatung

Measures to save energy costs

  • Modernisation / refurbishment
  • Investment in new facilities
  • Optimisation of user behaviour
  • Optimisation of plant technology

Reduction of energy costs

  • Cost reduction (contract design)

Energy management / Facility management

  • In-house facility management
  • Facility management as an external service
  • Service contract for energy management
  • Contracting

Energy Supply Contracting

  • Savings contracting

The benefit for you is

  • Quick overview from one source for different individual topics in the field of energy
  • Very fast return on investment ("low hanging fruits")
  • Implementation can usually also be carried out alone

Differentiation according to building parts

  • Storage areas / cold storage areas / heated storage areas
  • Heated handling areas / unheated handling areas
  • Office buildings
  • Technical facilities / outbuildings
  • Energy supply systems and storage facilities
  • Outdoor facilities

Building diagnosis

  • Analysis of the building envelope, determination of transmission and ventilation heat losses, identification of weak points and thermal bridges
  • Thermography, air tightness test (blower door test)
  • Simulation of the thermal behaviour of buildings (influencing variables: heat sources and sinks, heat flow, wind currents)
  • Recording of all system components for energy conversion, storage and distribution with the corresponding performance data
  • Measuring the energy consumption of all electrical systems and devices
  • Checking for external consumers, line losses (e.g. leakage currents)
  • Measurement of actual illuminance, comparison with set values
  • Energy demand calculation
  • Comparison of energy demand calculation and actual billed consumption
  • Forecast of remaining service life of system components
  • Predicted life cycle costs

Usage analysis

  • Usage profiles temporal / spatial
  • Usage boundary conditions (e.g. staff occupancy)
  • Usage zones
  • Degree of utilisation of areas
  • Future scenarios, utilisation potentials

Concept development

  • Comparison of current status and state of the art
  • Analysis and evaluation of deficits and potentials
  • Development of targets
  • Development of savings measures
  • Compilation of sensible packages of measures
  • Simulation to compare different concepts
  • Reconciliation of investment and operating costs
  • Optimisation of utilisation costs according to DIN 18960
  • Plan of measures
  • Recommendation


  • Shutdown of unused or uneconomical plant components
  • Dismantling of plants that are not needed
  • Demolition of permanently empty parts of the building
  • Separation of unused from used parts of the building
  • Removal of shading

Maintenance, servicing

  • Regular cleaning of windows and lights
  • Regular cleaning of air filters
  • Regular inspection of electrical installations
  • Regular maintenance of equipment to avoid repair costs and excessive consumption


  • Hydraulic balancing of the heating system
  • Adjustment of heating circuit temperatures and heating curves
  • Recurring adjustment to actual uses and times of use (e.g. heating-up times, outdoor lighting)
  • Adjustment of operation to optimum energy consumption
  • Adjustment of quantities, preset temperature and heating periods for hot water to actual demand
  • Utilisation of low energy prices during periods of time (night, season)
  • Vacancy management

Training, change of user behaviour

  • Competent heating control via thermostatic valves
  • Ventilation habits (shock ventilation)
  • Keeping doors closed
  • Conscious use of hot water
  • Switching off appliances

Control, measurement

  • Differentiated measurement of electricity consumption according to building parts, consumers (systems), time periods; documentation and evaluation
  • Differentiated measurement of energy consumption by user (e.g. different tenants)
  • Central control of electricity consumers
  • Heating control with outdoor temperature sensors
  • Electronic heating thermostats
  • Regulated / electronically controlled pumps for heating and cooling
  • Signalling devices (e.g. early warning of necessary heating oil deliveries, unusual energy consumption)
  • Integration into management information systems
  • Protection against misuse

Building automation

  • Motion detectors for lighting, outdoor lighting, ventilation, air conditioning
  • Recording of usage times and usage profiles
  • "Learning" control (e.g. for water heating)
  • Automatic opening and closing of doors and windows
  • Exclusion of feedback effects (e.g. simultaneous operation of heating and cooling)
  • Automatic adaptation of cooling and heating temperature to necessity (e.g. currently required storage temperatures)
  • Automation of sun protection systems
  • General advancement to a higher energy efficiency class in building automation


  • Eliminating damage and construction defects (e.g. creepage currents, defective windows, incomplete sealing)


  • Use of energy-efficient electrical appliances
  • Increasing the efficiency of lighting (new light sources, reflectors)
  • Modernisation of wall and ceiling coverings (bright / reflective)
  • Change of energy source for the heating system
  • Thermal insulation and room closures between building zones with different temperature requirements
  • Installation of building components with improved thermal insulation (building envelope, heat distribution)
  • Installation of system technology with higher efficiency
  • Shifting heat generation to the heated area of the building
  • Switching between decentralised and centralised hot water generation and storage, storage and flow-through systems
  • Solar shading devices installation of improved control and measurement systems
  • Conversion of building components into active components (e.g. façade for solar shading, free ventilation/cooling, SHEVS, etc.)

New construction

  • Use of roof and open spaces for photovoltaic or solar heating systems
  • Installation of heat pumps
  • Combined heat and power units, combined heat and power systems
  • Heat recovery
  • Change from natural to mechanical ventilation
  • Improvement of building geometry (compactness)
  • Facilities for diffusing and directing daylight

Cost reduction

  • Review and adjustment of supply contracts
  • Consolidation of properties, cooperations

Economic efficiency calculation

  • Anticipated amortisation of investments
  • Savings and profit potentials


  • Compilation of analysis results and technical documentation, house file
  • Cost control (investment, operating, maintenance costs)


The logistics industry is called upon to make an active contribution to CO2 reduction. Solar technology secures additional income, significantly improves the CO2 balance and also demonstrates environmental responsibility. As the 3rd largest emitter, the logistics industry is nowadays required to make an active contribution to CO2 reduction. In addition, the need for "green" logistics - "Green Logistics" is becoming more and more important for end consumers when placing orders. With solar technology, you secure additional revenue, significantly improve your CO2 balance and also demonstrate environmental responsibility, which leads to a significant competitive advantage.

LAGERflaeche.de Photovoltaik, Solartechnik, Solarstromanlage, Logistikberatung

The Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) guarantees every operator of a solar power system a fixed payment over 20 years for both fed-in and self-used electricity. The Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) was revised in 2023 and the targets for 2030 were raised. for the generation of renewable energy are declared to be in the overriding public interest and to serve public safety. The expansion paths, electricity quantity paths and tender quantities for onshore wind energy and solar energy were raised. it will be possible to install two systems on a house, one for self-consumption and partial feed-in, one for full feed-in. The 70 percent rule for new installations will be dropped, as will the declaration of income from 10 kWp, which now only has to be declared for income and trade tax purposes from 30 kWp. (The kilowatt peak (kWp) is the standard unit for the maximum capacity of photovoltaic modules under optimal conditions) In addition, it will be permitted in future to set up ground-mounted systems of up to 20 kW and an area equal to that of the residential building on the plot.

  • Improving the emissions balance
  • Green image gain
  • Competitive edge when awarding contracts
  • Reduction of energy costs through own consumption
  • Independence from electricity price fluctuations
  • 20 years of state-guaranteed income
  • Tax advantages
  • Acquisition of a competent partner for all services
  1. You invest yourself Possibility of full feed-in of the electricity
    • Possibility of self-consumption of the electricity
  2. You leave the use of the roof to us
    You leave your roof to us and we install a photovoltaic system on it, including metering technology for self-consumption and grid feed-in
  3. You lease your roof areas
    We will gladly lease your roof areas for 20 years or longer and erect solar power plants on them to generate environmentally friendly solar electricity. You will receive lucrative and secure roof rents from us for at least 20 years. If you wish, we can also pay you the entire sum discounted in advance. In this way, you have additional funds available at short notice for your own business. With our lease model, you have neither time nor cost expenditure.
  4. Solar carports for cars and trucks
    Turn your parking spaces into money. We offer you 2 options for this:
    • Invest yourself
      You invest in the solar carports yourself and feed the electricity into the public grid. In this way, you secure state-guaranteed, secure electricity income from the energy supplier for 20 years and earn a return of up to 10%. The solar carports are therefore self-financing and, with a good credit rating, even without the use of equity capital.
    • Lease parking space
      You leave your parking spaces to us and we erect solar carports on them. This way you have free carports for your company without any time and cost expenditure and benefit from lucrative and fixed lease income for 25 years. In addition, there is an annual inspection free of charge.

Location valuation

Professional valuation of logistics real estate

The valuation of a logistics property can have various reasons and is clearly regulated by legal provisions. The most common reason is certainly the sale of a logistics property. But an independent valuation is also necessary for accounting purposes, compulsory auction, mortgaging, taxation or determining the insurance value of a logistics property. This requires, among other things, sound knowledge of business management and construction technology.

Experts can prepare a well-founded valuation based on a variety of criteria. The service package for a market value assessment includes, among other things:

  • Market value assessment as a basis for decision-making for property sale and purchase
  • Determination of market value for tax purposes
  • Rental value appraisal for commercial properties
  • Valuation of real estate encumbrances, easements, residential rights and usufruct
  • Market value appraisal as a basis for accounting

It is often difficult to get a complete picture of the value and potential of one's own location. Our experts can provide a well-founded valuation based on a variety of criteria.

LAGERflaeche.de Standortbewertung, Logistikimmobilien bewerten, Logistikberatung

Why value your logistics property?

It is often impossible to get a 100% picture of the value and potential of your own location. Experts will therefore take a look at your warehouse and evaluate it using a variety of criteria.

The service package for:

  • Market value assessment as a basis for decision-making for property sales and purchases
  • Market value assessment for tax purposes
  • Rental value appraisal for commercial properties
  • Valuation of real estate encumbrances, easements, residential rights and usufruct
  • Market appraisals as a basis for accounting (IFRS)

Valuing real estate means assessing the opportunities and risks of a property in a differentiated manner. To do this, one must not only understand a lot about real estate, but also develop a feeling for the needs and changes of the market.

  • Professional valuation of your location with full consideration of all decisive criteria
  • Value of your logistics property at the time of valuation
  • Determination of the potential of your location

Roughly there are 5 steps to valuation

  • Land register data
  • Macro and micro situation
  • Determination of the maintenance or modernisation backlog
  • Determination of the areas
  • Determining the value with the method applicable to the property

In Germany, there are three methods of real estate valuation for determining the value of real estate and land

  • Comparative value procedure
    In the comparative value method, properties or real estate with a similar value are used to determine the value (§ 13 Wertermittlungsverordnung, WertV).
  • Material value method
    In the asset value method, the value of the buildings and the land (land value) are determined separately (§ 21 Wertermittlungsverordnung, WertV).
  • Income approach
    The capitalised earnings method takes into account, among other things, the land value and long-term achievable rental income (§ 15 Wertermittlungsverordnung, WertV).

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