Financing offers advisory services regarding financing for the areas of leasing and commercial real estate financing. Leasing offers your company a favourable option to keep investment costs low without having to give up your core business. Our services include financial planning, finding the best financing and solutions. For example, our partners can explain to you in advance the minimum requirements for commercial real estate financing as well as whether financing is possible with a low capital investment. When financing commercial real estate, it is important to have specific and professional planning as well as comprehensive knowledge about the prerequisites and conditions of the financing providers. The team and its partners will be happy to help you with this!

Commercial real estate financing

Our partners can explain to you in advance the minimum requirements for commercial real estate financing as well as whether financing is possible with a small amount of capital. A professional financing plan for commercial real estate is of great importance in order to achieve the desired goal of maximising profits. When financing commercial real estate, it is important to have specific and professional planning as well as comprehensive knowledge about the prerequisites and conditions of the financing providers. In order to achieve the goal of profit maximisation, one must create realistic framework data and risk profiles and then implement them. With the right knowledge of the requirements and possibilities of the financing providers, one can find the best possible financing. With us, you will find an adequate partner for your entrepreneurial financing, residential financing and commercial real estate financing. Learn more about the requirements of financing a commercial property, how to make a property financing with low capital investment and much more to get an insight. Commercial property financing requires a thorough knowledge of potential lenders and their terms. In order to achieve maximum profit, realistic framework conditions and risk profiles must be worked out beforehand and then implemented in a targeted manner. With us, you will find the ideal partner for your entrepreneur financing, residential and commercial property financing.

LAGERflä Finanzierung, Gewerbliche Immobilienfinanzierung, Leasing


Leasing is a good way to avoid high investment costs. You can continue to expand your core business without being responsible for high financing costs.

Leasing is a sensible way to acquire all kinds of mobile capital goods, whether new or used. There are a variety of ways you can save money with leasing. If you are looking for an inexpensive and flexible way to invest in new or used capital goods such as halls, shelving, forklifts, EDP, containers or vehicles, then leasing is the ideal choice for you.

Financing without a large equity investment!

This allows you to concentrate on your core business and not be responsible for high investment costs. With leasing you can afford these kinds of capital goods, so it can be a worthwhile decision. You just have to keep an eye on the costs to make sure you don't go into debt. With leasing, you pay only a fraction of the purchase price and can use the capital goods for a certain period of time. At the end of the leasing contract, you can either buy the goods or return them. Leasing is thus a cheap and flexible way to invest in the future.

On the other hand, companies can reduce their tax burden with leasing, which is another reason why leasing can be an attractive option. Leasing is a very sensible alternative that allows companies to finance investments in mobile capital goods and save costs at the same time

LAGERflaeche and its partners can help you with this in word and deed!

Leasing thus offers your company a favourable option to keep investment costs low without having to give up your core business. LAGERflaeche and its partners can provide advice and offer financing and legal solutions for the acquisition of mobile capital goods.

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