Warehouse Types
Row Warehouse
Here you can find information on row warehouse and search in various cities and regions.
Offers on LAGERflaeche.de
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Description of row warehouse
In a row warehouse, the stored goods are arranged in several rows. This results in an aisle between the rows for pedestrians or forklift trucks. Row storage systems thus allow free access to the goods. They are efficient and save space, depending on how the goods are arranged. Some of the advantages of a row warehouse are: they are very cost-effective as it usually does not require as much space as other types of storage.
Because products are arranged in horizontal rows, more can be stored in a limited space. With the stacking method, for example, there is a risk of products falling and injuring people. Row storage takes up less space compared to other storage methods such as stacking or storing on shelves. Picking products is easier and faster with row storage than with other storage methods. However, row warehouse also has some disadvantages. For one thing, it is relatively unstructured and you cannot organise the goods as well as in other storage forms. On the other hand, it is relatively expensive, since - in the case of rack storage - you usually have to pay more for the purchase of the racks than for other forms of storage.
Advantages of a row warehouse
- Low costs
- Easy handling of goods
- High flexibility in spatial arrangement
- Increased storage capacity
- Easier order picking
Disadvantages a row warehouse
- High space requirement
- Low degree of space utilisation
- High planning requirements in advance
Suitability of a row warehouse
A row warehouse is a good choice for companies looking for an efficient solution for storing goods. Row storage ensures that all goods are stored evenly and that no space is wasted. They are particularly suitable for storing bulky, heavy and long goods, as - especially with floor storage - a high level of stability can be ensured. Row storage is ideal for companies that need a lot of storage space and need to retrieve and process goods quickly and easily. They are also a good storage method for companies that need to store a large number of products.
Find the right warehouse for your logistics now at LAGERflaeche.de!
Here you can quickly and easily get an overview of suitable row storage facilities in various cities and regions. Find and rent selected row warehouses - at LAGERflaeche.de! For more information on the various types of warehouse and central warehouses, take a look at our warehouse overview page, where we offer you a lot more interesting information, including information on row warehouses.