Warehouse Types

Small Parts Warehouse

Here you get an overview of suitable small parts warehouses in different cities and regions.

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5 Warehouses

Description of small parts warehouse

In logistical operations, it is often extremely important to resort to a space-saving and well thought-out strategy for stowing individual details. Automatic small parts storage makes exactly this possible, so that a lot of valuable space can be saved when storing the numerous small parts. But how exactly does the concept of small parts storage work? A mostly automatic small parts warehouse consists of a shelving system that is divided into several aisles. Within the various shelves, numerous bins are usually integrated in order to store the various small parts centrally and clearly. The associated storage system consists of a classic stacker crane, a picking area and the load handling equipment. These are additionally supplemented by the linked bins, which are subsequently used for storage.

In order to use the available space as effectively as possible in this respect, such small parts storage systems are always automated and enable appropriate stowage on this basis. With several bins, storage is double-deep and thus allows for exact dimensioning of the available articles. In the case of very small articles, these can usually also be stored in one container with an appropriate separation in order to save system space and integrate a larger number of different articles.

Areas of application of a small parts warehouse

Especially in smaller facilities and industrial centres, such systems quickly become the most effective solution to safely utilise the available space and come back to a functional system for stowage. In combination with a structured conveyor system, it becomes easy to advance automation in shipping or other areas and to resort to modern concepts that lead to the desired simplification of the racking system.

Advantages of small parts warehouse

Due to its flexibility, the system is often used in production to keep track of the available individual parts. Together with a well thought-out concept for labelling, all details can be found quickly and easily so that the automatic system can be used as an enrichment. A certain structure is therefore crucial for the industry and the subsequent utilisation in the trade, in order to be able to fall back on a well thought-out order with the help of the systems.

With the automatic storage systems, every company can resort to a flexible solution and simplify the operation of the shelf structures accordingly. To this end, the systems enable simple and well-structured storage in order to be able to utilise all the space in the area and fill the various containers. For retailers in particular, it is an advantage here to be able to check the existing stocks precisely at any time and in this way to be informed about the storage structure.

Disadvantages of small parts warehouse

However, it can be problematic that the existing boxes are not always filled. Although it is easy to see which areas are available and in what quantities, stowage in additional boxes usually leaves some free space. Also, the large components often remain logistically unconsidered in automatic small parts warehouses, so that other structures have to be integrated into the storage in addition to this system. In a well thought-out company concept, however, this does not have to become a problem, which means that all components can be easily distinguished from each other.

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