Warehouse Types

Tyre Warehouse

Here you get an overview of suitable tyre warehouses in different cities and regions.

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Description of tyre warehouse

A tyre warehouse is a form of storage for a company's stocks of tyres and wheels. They are stored in a tyre warehouse and can be retrieved when needed. In this case, the tyres are stored as raw material and are already ready for production. This means that they only need to be used when a vehicle needs new tyres or the previous ones are worn out. The beauty of storing tyres is that most models take up relatively little space and can therefore be integrated into even the smallest of warehouses.

However, it is important that the ceiling of the warehouse is high enough - otherwise there is a risk of tipping over if the tyres are stacked high! Proper tyre storage can extend the life of tyres and protect them from damage. Tyre storage facilities can vary considerably in size and design. However, most tyre warehouses are relatively small and have a capacity of up to 50,000 tyres.

Tyre warehouses are usually operated by companies that are able to meet a high demand for tyres. These companies are often part of a larger organisation that also manufactures or distributes other vehicle parts. However, there are some things you should consider before opening a tyre store. First, you should consider what type of tyres you want to store. An essential part of a tyre warehouse is tyre racks.

Requirements for tyre storage

  • Tyres must be stored free from tension and pressure, i.e. free from forces that could deform them over time
  • Tyres must be stored on structures that avoid contact with soil, substances and moisture
  • The facility must be ventilated and protected from the sun or UV radiation
  • The ambient temperature should be between 15 and 25 degrees Celsius
  • It must be ensured that the tyres do not come into contact with materials or substances such as fuels, solvents, fuels, lubricants, chemicals
  • The rubber and rubber grades are highly flammable, therefore the fire protection conditions must be kept high
  • The structure of the tyre storage building (columns, beams and roofs) must be stable

Advantages of a tyre warehouse:

  • Tyre life can be extended
  • Efficiency can be improved through the rapid provision of tyres

Disadvantages of a tyre warehouse:

  • High demands on storage and safety conditions
  • Possibly high costs

Find the right warehouse for your logistics at LAGERflaeche.de now!

Here you can quickly and easily get an overview of suitable tyre warehouses in various cities and regions. Find and rent selected tyre warehouses - at LAGERflaeche.de! For more information on the various types of warehouses and tyre storage facilities, take a look at our warehouse overview page, where we offer you a lot more interesting information, including information on tyre storage facilities.

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