Kontraktlogistik in Korneuburg Österreich
Object no.: 9864
Warehousing (warehouse with management)
2100 Korneuburg
Price on request
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Object no.: 9864
Warehousing (warehouse with management)
2100 Korneuburg
Price on request
Object no.: 9863
Warehousing (warehouse with management)
2000 Stockerau
Price on request
An outdoor warehouse is a form of storage where goods are stored outdoors, i.e. in the open air. In contrast to closed warehouses, they are open and therefore unprotected against the weather. Therefore, goods that are insensitive to the weather, such as wood, sand and gravel, are usually stored in an open-air outdoor warehouse. Finished products, such as vehicles from the automotive industry, are also usually stored in outdoor warehouses. The goods are placed on concrete or asphalt surfaces and protected by fencing. If stored goods may not be completely exposed to direct weather conditions such as wetness, snow and frost, they must be additionally protected.
Access to the outdoor storage area is mainly via a gate. Due to the lack of a roof construction, heavy goods can also be unloaded directly into the storage area. Outdoor warehouses are therefore more often used for bulky goods. Thus, the goods can be placed directly on pallets or on the floor. Certain goods are also stored in containers.
The open-air storage area is mainly separated from the surrounding area with markings, fences or tapes. The floors of the open-air storage area are often compacted, e.g. asphalted, to prevent contamination of the goods and to facilitate better handling. Conveyors and transport vehicles can thus drive over the outdoor storage area without any problems. They can be located on the premises of a company or even on a separate plot of land. Open-air storage is not well suited for the storage of hazardous goods.
Open-air storage is often mentioned in connection with bonded warehouses. In a bonded warehouse, goods can be stored untaxed. In most cases, companies that specialise in the shipment of dutiable goods and are licensed also have a bonded warehouse in the form of an open-air warehouse on the factory premises.
→ Bulk material warehouse
→ Heavy goods warehouse
→ High-bay warehouse